Friday, March 14, 2008

* Surprise, surprise, banks want more of your money!

We don't often link ye lucky punters up to the bees-knees section but what an opening gambit here at the Guardian -- it's just effortlessly reeled us in: "A kilogram of gold, a Mercedes Benz and a laptop computer are just some of the prizes offered by Vietnam's fledgling banks to woo customers as they feel the squeeze of tighter monetary policy. "

Where do we sign up!?

* 15 seconds of fame/ film

I thought writing 5 0 word short stories was silly enough fun, but check out this marvelous 15-second film from the 15 second film festival now coming nowhere near Hanoi some time soon. You can watch a string of them on line -- a few hits, a few misses, but still, cool idea.

Day and Night on Essex street

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